Soal Melengkapi Titik-Titik Teks Recount (Recount Text) dengan Enam Jawaban

english text, recount text,Soal Melengkapi Titik-Titik Teks Recount (Recount Text) dengan Enam Jawaban
Hi english learner ! How are u today? of course we always hope that u are fine.
Pada kesempatan kalai ini Admin akan share soal "Teks Recount (Recount Text)", yang sebelumnya admin sudah share tentang tujuan, struktur dan ciri-ciri dari teks recount. masih ingatkan, apa itu teks recount? jika sudah lupa-lupa ingat....hufh... kayak lagunya "Kuburan Band", Aja, hehe. Jika sobat ingin mempelajari jenis-jenis teks silahkan kunjungi "Kinds of Text", sobat bisa pelajari disana seperti teks narrative, descriptive, procedure, dan kawan-kawannya. 

Hi english learner ! How are u today? of course we always hope that u are fine.  Pada kesempatan kalai ini Admin akan share soal "Teks Recount (Recount Text)", yang sebelumnya admin sudah share tentang tujuan, struktur dan ciri-ciri dari teks recount. masih ingatkan, apa itu teks recount? jika sudah lupa-lupa ingat....hufh... kayak lagunya "Kuburan Band", Aja, hehe. Jika sobat ingin mempelajari jenis-jenis teks silahkan kunjungi "Kinds of Text", sobat bisa pelajari disana seperti teks narrative, descriptive, procedure, dan kawan-kawannya.       Baiklah kita to the piont aja,     Recount Text      Last year Niko..........(1) to the wood for hiking. Unfortunately. he...........(2) the way home. hHe........(3) lost. On his way, he met Freddy, Freddy got lost.......(4). Then, they decided to find their home together, they talk and ...........(5) for hours. Finally, Nico found his home. Finally, they.........(6) good friend and they always play together . So sweet.      Lengkapilah teks diatas dengan kata-kata dibawah ini !      A. FORGOT         B. BECAME         C. WENT         D. TOO         E. WALKED         F. GOT      Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan teks diatas !      1.      Where did Niko go last year?  2.      What Happened to him?  3.      Whom did he met there?  4.      What did they do together?  5.      Does the story have a happy or sad ending?     Selamat menikmati guys,,,,,:)
Baiklah kita to the piont aja, 

Recount Text

Last year Niko..........(1) to the wood for hiking. Unfortunately. he...........(2) the way home. hHe........(3) lost. On his way, he met Freddy, Freddy got lost.......(4). Then, they decided to find their home together, they talk and ...........(5) for hours. Finally, Nico found his home. Finally, they.........(6) good friend and they always play together . So sweet.

Lengkapilah teks diatas dengan kata-kata dibawah ini !

A. FORGOT         B. BECAME         C. WENT         D. TOO         E. WALKED         F. GOT

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini berdasarkan teks diatas !

1.      Where did Niko go last year?
2.      What Happened to him?
3.      Whom did he met there?
4.      What did they do together?
5.      Does the story have a happy or sad ending?

Selamat menikmati guys,,,,,:)


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