Lowongan Kerja Vije Resort & Spa

Lowongan Kerja Vije Resort & Spa, Lowongan kerja "On The Job Training - Engineering", loker bali
Mediaweb4u-Lowongan kerja "On The Job Training - Engineering" di Vije Resort & Spa-Ubud, Bali.

Vije Boutique Resort and Spa offers an oasis of tranquility set among the verdant tropical rainforest of Bentuyung village. Art and culture play such great roles in every detail of our property. Aligning simplicity and solemn tradition, our design pays respect to Balinese philosophy, nevertheless the comfort of modern life. Whatever your traveling style is, we can make sure to provide you with the best experiences.

Now, Vije Resort & Spa are currently looking for potential candidates to join our team as below :

Internship Program (On job training) to fill in the following department :
  • Engineering
  • Requirements for Internship :
  • Vocational, College or Tourism Academy students
  • Minimum 3 months school trainee period
  • Good interpersonal & communication skills
  • Having a good team work
Persyaratan minimum:
  • Mencari karyawan yang bisa bekerja pada hari kerja, Sabtu dan Minggu
  • Tidak diperlukan pengalaman kerja untuk posisi ini
  • Pelamar harus memiliki KTP

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