Recount Text (Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri Dan Contoh Teks)

Recount Text (Pengertian, Struktur, Ciri-Ciri Dan Contoh Teks), text,english text,text recount, membuat recount text,cara buat recount text
MediaWeb4U-Selamat siang teman-teman-teman semua dimana saja anda berada, semoga tak ada yang berkurang segala sesuatunya, amin. kemaren saya sudah shering tentang "Teks Deskripsi", oia, untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis teknya silahkan disimak disini, Baiklah kali ini saya akan shere text recount, Teks menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah naskah yg berupa;
A. kata-kata asli dr pengarang;
B. kutipan dr kitab suci untuk pangkal ajaran atau alasan;
C. bahan tertulis untuk dasar memberikan pelajaran, berpidato, dsb.

Teks tersebut dalam bahasa inggris umumnya ada 5, yaitu teks descriptive, teks recount, teks procedure, teks narrative, dan teks report.

Teks recound bercerita tentang kejadian/ peristiwa yang telah berlalu/ lampau, biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.

MediaWeb4U-Selamat siang teman-teman-teman semua dimana saja anda berada, semoga tak ada yang berkurang segala sesuatunya, amin. kemaren saya sudah shering tentang "Teks Deskripsi", oia, untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis teknya silahkan disimak disini, Baiklah kali ini saya akan shere text recount, Teks menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah naskah yg berupa;  A. kata-kata asli dr pengarang;  B. kutipan dr kitab suci untuk pangkal ajaran atau alasan;  C. bahan tertulis untuk dasar memberikan pelajaran, berpidato, dsb.    Teks tersebut dalam bahasa inggris umumnya ada 5, yaitu teks descriptive, teks recount, teks procedure, teks narrative, dan teks report.    Teks recound bercerita tentang kejadian/ peristiwa yang telah berlalu/ lampau, biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.    MediaWeb4U-Selamat siang teman-teman-teman semua dimana saja anda berada, semoga tak ada yang berkurang segala sesuatunya, amin. kemaren saya sudah shering tentang "Teks Deskripsi", oia, untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis teknya silahkan disimak disini, Baiklah kali ini saya akan shere text recount, Teks menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) adalah naskah yg berupa;  A. kata-kata asli dr pengarang;  B. kutipan dr kitab suci untuk pangkal ajaran atau alasan;  C. bahan tertulis untuk dasar memberikan pelajaran, berpidato, dsb.    Teks tersebut dalam bahasa inggris umumnya ada 5, yaitu teks descriptive, teks recount, teks procedure, teks narrative, dan teks report.    Teks recound bercerita tentang kejadian/ peristiwa yang telah berlalu/ lampau, biasanya tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis.         Struktur teks recount;    1. Orientasi : Berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa itu terjadi.     2. Events : Berisi jalinan peristiwa/ kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut. Bagian ini bisa terdiri atas beberapa event/ peristiwa.    3. Re-orientation : Berisi tentang rangkuman cerita.    Ciri-ciri teks recount :  Menggunakan past tense  Menggunakan kata penghubung (Conjunction), misalnya then, before, after    Contoh dari teks recount    Bus was Flowing Right Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me    I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani. I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road. The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the Bhotekoshi. I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass and plunged into the Bhotekoshi. The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness. I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.    Struktur teks recount;    1. Orientasi : Berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa itu terjadi.     2. Events : Berisi jalinan peristiwa/ kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut. Bagian ini bisa terdiri atas beberapa event/ peristiwa.    3. Re-orientation : Berisi tentang rangkuman cerita.    Ciri-ciri teks recount :  Menggunakan past tense  Menggunakan kata penghubung (Conjunction), misalnya then, before, after  Contoh dari teks recount    Bus was Flowing Right Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me    I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani. I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road. The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the Bhotekoshi. I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass and plunged into the Bhotekoshi. The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness. I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.

Struktur teks recount;

1. Orientasi : Berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa itu terjadi. 

2. Events : Berisi jalinan peristiwa/ kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalaman tersebut. Bagian ini bisa terdiri atas beberapa event/ peristiwa.

3. Re-orientation : Berisi tentang rangkuman cerita.

Ciri-ciri teks recount :
  • Menggunakan past tense 
  • Menggunakan kata penghubung (Conjunction), misalnya then, before, after 
Contoh dari teks recount

Bus was Flowing Right Bus was Flowing Right Behind Me

I stayed a night at Sakhuwa of Gati VDC because a landslide near Baseri had blocked the road, The next morning, I hopped onto the bus with registration number Ba 2 Kha 4013 that was on the way to Barhabise from Tatopani. I took a seat by the doorside and remember that there were around 35 passengers, including me. The driver started the bus. A kilometer into the journey, I noticed a ditch on the road. The driver tried to avert the ditch. Before I could know what was going on, the bus started hurtling towards the Bhotekoshi. I had given up hope of surviving, but found a ventilator glass broken. I came out of the shattered glass and plunged into the Bhotekoshi. The river carried me for about 35 kilometers and left me on the shallow surface. I passed out after that. The rescuers took me to a hospital when I regained consciousness. I heard later that all except four passengers had survived. I have sustained injuries on the face, hands and other body parts. Nonetheless, I feel that surviving was my destiny.
